September 7, 2022
Blood Flow Restriction Training in a Nutshell
by [P]rehab
Personalized blood flow restriction training is an exercise modality that involves using a cuff to occlude venous blood flow out of a limb while restricting arterial blood flow into a limb. A growing body of evidence now supports the use […]
September 7, 2022
How Much Do I Need To Stretch?
by Tommy Mandala PT, DPT, SCS, OCS, CSCS
You probably have been told that you don’t spend enough time stretching. Whether it was by a coach, a physical therapist, or a doctor; you’ve probably heard that you could have prevented an injury by stretching more. You may have […]
September 7, 2022
Frozen Shoulder and Diabetes: What’s the Link?
by [P]rehab
Adhesive capsulitis, or frozen shoulder, affects 2-5% of the general population and is characterized by pain and progressive loss of shoulder range of motion. Frozen shoulder onset can follow trauma to the shoulder, such as a fracture, surgery, or period […]
September 7, 2022
Piriformis Syndrome: A Real Pain In The Butt
by Sherif Elnaggar PT, DPT, OCS
Have you been dealing with a nagging pain in your buttock that just doesn’t want to go away? You’ve tried everything. Ice, heat, massaging the area, but nothing is working! This annoyance of pain around the backside of your hip […]
September 7, 2022
The Health Benefits Of Sleep
by [P]rehab
Far too often, sleep is viewed incorrectly and I believe this to be the case for two reasons. Firstly, there’s a large percentage of the population where sleep and prioritizing it is looked at as being lazy or unproductive. Particularly […]
September 7, 2022
Runner’s Knee Exercises
by Sherif Elnaggar PT, DPT, OCS
Running is one of the most efficient, effective, and convenient forms of exercise that can be performed anywhere, at any time! Saving money on a gym membership, taking in the beauty of your surrounding city or neighborhood, there are so […]
September 7, 2022
Plyometric Progressions For Rehab
by Michael Lau PT, DPT, CSCS
Plyometrics exercises should be an integral part of any lower extremity rehab or injury prevention program to increase power development and teach proper absorption movement mechanics. In the rehab realm, you could argue that it’s even more important to learn […]
September 7, 2022
Youth Athlete Sport Specialization – Train Like The Pros
by Dillon Caswell PT, DPT, SCS
Many youth athletes spend hours in the driveway hitting turn around fade aways at the imaginary buzzer, recreating Lionel Messi’s game winning shots, or tumbling across the living room like Simone Biles. They aspire to one day make it to […]
September 7, 2022
Exercises for Olympic Weightlifting
by Taryn Beaumont PT, DPT, CLT, CF-L2, CNC
Do you love to clean, jerk, and snatch? Do you sometimes feel sore after doing so? Well, fellow lover of the barbell, fear not! Contained in this article are several exercises that will be sure to warm up your joints […]
September 7, 2022
The Key to Progressive Overload
by Tommy Mandala PT, DPT, SCS, OCS, CSCS
You hear it all the time – whenever someone talks about starting a weightlifting routine, running their first marathon, or starting an off-season workout plan, the advice is always the same: “start slowly”; “progress gradually”; “don’t do too much, too […]
September 7, 2022
Low Back Tightness Exercises
by Michael Lau PT, DPT, CSCS
Dealing with low back tightness? You’re not alone, did you know that low back issues are the most common musculoskeletal complaint and one of the top reasons for time lost at work? However, don’t be too alarmed, another way to […]
September 7, 2022
Tendinitis Exercises and Understanding Tendinopathies
by Sherif Elnaggar PT, DPT, OCS
If you have dealt with an injury before, or if you are an individual in the profession of healthcare, you have heard the word “tendon” with various endings after the root of this word, whether it be “tendinosis”, “tendinitis”, “paratenonitis”, […]