September 8, 2022
The Best Exercises for the Glute Med
by Tommy Mandala PT, DPT, SCS, OCS, CSCS
The gluteus medius or glute med for short is a muscle on the lateral portion of the hip that is crucial for a variety of activities of daily living. When we try to perform higher-level activities like weight lifting and […]
September 8, 2022
Exercises To Fix Your Trendelenburg Gait
by Arash Maghsoodi PT, DPT, CSCS
Trendelenburg gait, otherwise referred to as a hip drop or trunk lean with walking are all compensatory movement patterns that may lead to back pain, hip pain, knee pain, or SI joint pain over time. There are many reasons this […]
September 8, 2022
How To Prevent Knee Valgus
by Michael Lau PT, DPT, CSCS
Medial knee collapse, also known as knee valgus, is when the knee collapses or falls inward during any sort of weight-bearing activity, like a squat, during gait, or during sport-specific movements like cutting. Knee valgus is characterized by hip adduction […]
September 8, 2022
Prehab Your Groin: How To Manage An Adductor Injury
by Arash Maghsoodi PT, DPT, CSCS
If you have played various sports such as ice hockey or soccer before, you are probably familiar with tweaking your groin muscle (adductor). A groin strain is an injury to the muscle-tendon unit of the adductor tendon or its insertion […]
September 7, 2022
Exercises for Proximal (High) Hamstring Injury
by Chris Lefever
A common problem in distance runners and change-of-direction sports like football, soccer, and hockey, proximal hamstring tendinopathy is a pain in the butt (literally)! Characterized by deep, localized pain over the ischial tuberosity (the large, bony protuberances/bumps on your bottom), […]
September 7, 2022
Are Your Hips Really Out of Alignment?
by Chris Lefever
It’s a pretty common story we hear in physical therapy practice on a weekly (maybe daily) basis: “I’ve been told by my (insert healthcare provider here) that my hip alignment is off and my hips are out of place. Can […]
September 7, 2022
Hip Bursitis Versus Gluteal Tendinopathy
by Chris Lefever
Do you have pain that is on the outside of one of your hips? Does it bother you when you are laying on your side or trying to sleep at night? If you have answered yes to one of these […]
September 7, 2022
Advanced Groin Training and [P]Rehab
by Dillon Caswell PT, DPT, SCS
What do offensive lineman, relief pitchers, stay at home defensemen, long snappers, caddies, and the groin muscles all have in common? They are all under-appreciated but play a crucial role in their respective systems! The groin is one of the […]
September 7, 2022
Gluteal Amnesia: Tips To Improve Your Glute Activation
by Taryn Beaumont PT, DPT, CLT, CF-L2, CNC
‘Dead Butt Syndrome’ – SAY WHAT?! There are more and more articles coming out, especially in recent months in light of our global pandemic, about a supposed ‘dead butt syndrome’, or ‘gluteal amnesia’. This condition is thought to be characterized […]
September 7, 2022
Hip Impingement Exercises
by Chris Lefever
Chances are if you’ve found yourself reading this blog post, then you’ve been searching for insights on that frustrating pain over the front of your hip. Rest assured that you’re not alone, hip pain described as sharp and/or pinching pain […]
September 7, 2022
Master the Single Leg Romanian Deadlift
by Michael Lau PT, DPT, CSCS
The single leg Romanian deadlift is a whole body, complete, functional exercise that can be used for rehabilitation, as well as strength and conditioning purposes alike. You get phenomenal posterior chain recruitment while working on single leg stability, which is […]
September 7, 2022
How To Warm Up Your Hamstrings
by Sherif Elnaggar PT, DPT, OCS
Hamstring exercises should be a staple in every person’s training program. They are a crucial muscle group that is imperative for daily function. They play an important role in a wide spectrum from simple activities to more powerful exercises! To […]