January 8, 2024
Posterior Tibialis Tendinopathy vs Plantar Fasciitis – The Important Difference
by Tommy Mandala PT, DPT, SCS, OCS, CSCS
Nearly everyone has heard of the term Plantar Fasciitis. In popular culture, any kind of foot pain is often lumped in with the loose term plantar fasciitis. On the other hand, its lesser-known cousin, posterior tibial tendinopathy is rarely discussed […]
December 26, 2023
Exercises for IT Band Syndrome
by Taryn Beaumont PT, DPT, CLT, CF-L2, CNC
Have you recently started a new walking, running, or exercise program and felt a sharp, burning pain on the outside of your knee? Maybe you’ve just had surgery on your knee or a total knee replacement and you feel this […]
Featured Articles
December 11, 2023
Exercises For Hip Labrum Injuries
by John Schaefer PT, DPT, OCS, CSCS
Are you experiencing popping, clicking, or pain in your hips that either started suddenly or has developed over time? If so, you’ve likely wondered what in the world could be causing this sensation and how you can address it. In […]
November 27, 2023
5 Ways to Get Back to Running Postpartum
by Lyndsay Provencio PT, DPT
A typical pregnancy is 280 days. That’s 280 days a woman has to anticipate the birth of her child and the beginning of a new chapter. Months of birthing classes, prenatal yoga, strength-specific workouts for pregnancy, pink and blue cupcakes […]