• September 7, 2022

    Can Running Improve Weightlifting Performance?

    by Dillon Caswell PT, DPT, SCS

    We typically hear and see evidence for the case of runners complementing their running with strength training to improve performance and reduce injury. Let’s flip the script and ask, can running improve weightlifting performance?

  • September 7, 2022

    Exercises To Improve Your Balance

    by Sherif Elnaggar PT, DPT, OCS

    Do you feel that your balance is off?  Are you not as sturdy as you want to be when walking on sand for example, or tackling the terrains of a long hike? Similar to other aging phenomenons that inevitably occur […]

  • September 7, 2022

    Power Exercises For Runners: Develop More Speed!

    by Lauren Lynass

    If you’re a runner, you understand the importance of lacing up the shoes, putting in the miles, building up that base, and getting in a few days at the gym. While this is certainly a recipe for success, it’s not […]

  • September 7, 2022

    Are Your Hips Really Out of Alignment?

    by Chris Lefever

    It’s a pretty common story we hear in physical therapy practice on a weekly (maybe daily) basis: “I’ve been told by my (insert healthcare provider here) that my hip alignment is off and my hips are out of place. Can […]

  • September 7, 2022

    Is Cracking Joints Bad? The Science Of Joint Cavitations

    by Dillon Caswell PT, DPT, SCS

    “Stop cracking your knuckles or you’ll ruin your joints, Your joint is out and we will pop it back in.” These statements or narratives seem to surround the snap, crackle, and pop of our cracking joints. History and research show […]

  • September 7, 2022

    How To Relieve Nerve Pain: Understanding Neurodynamics

    by Sherif Elnaggar PT, DPT, OCS

    Have you ever had tingling in your hands or feet, or burning, shooting sensation down your arm? If so, you may be dealing with nerve related pain, which can be quite discomforting. When we think of enhancing our mobility, we […]

  • September 7, 2022

    Jones Fracture Exercises and Treatment Strategies

    by Taryn Beaumont PT, DPT, CLT, CF-L2, CNC

    Got a nagging pain on the outside of your foot or pinky toe that just won’t go away? Are you an athlete that does repetitive jumping or running activities? You may have a Jones fracture! A Jones fracture is a […]

  • September 7, 2022

    Joint-By-Joint Approach For Mobility

    by [P]rehab

    Have you ever experienced pain in a joint and/or muscle? Well, you are not alone. It is pretty safe to say that everyone at some point in their life will experience some sort of musculoskeletal pain. Traditionally, we are quick […]

  • September 7, 2022

    Hip Bursitis Versus Gluteal Tendinopathy

    by Chris Lefever

    Do you have pain that is on the outside of one of your hips? Does it bother you when you are laying on your side or trying to sleep at night? If you have answered yes to one of these […]

  • September 7, 2022

    Advanced Groin Training and [P]Rehab

    by Dillon Caswell PT, DPT, SCS

    What do offensive lineman, relief pitchers, stay at home defensemen, long snappers, caddies, and the groin muscles all have in common? They are all under-appreciated but play a crucial role in their respective systems! The groin is one of the […]

  • September 7, 2022

    Morton’s Neuroma Exercises

    by Taryn Beaumont PT, DPT, CLT, CF-L2, CNC

    OUCH! Pain in the ball of your foot when you step down, walk, or run? Feel like there is a large pebble or rock in your shoe? Have stubborn pain on the bottom of the foot that just won’t go […]

  • September 7, 2022

    The Science Of Pain And Treatment Concepts: Part 3 of 3

    by Dillon Caswell PT, DPT, SCS

    Americans consume a large majority of the world’s opioids. Approximately 80% of the global opioid supply is consumed in the United States, a country that represents a mere 5% of the global population. There were approximately 300 million pain prescriptions written […]