Waff Mini

Barefoot, eyes closed, standing, sitting or lying down, the Waff Mini develops your innate capacities and optimizes your future performance!

The Waff Mini is used for physical preparation, rehabilitation, re-athletic training and postural correction. It is nomadic, ultra-light, aesthetic and efficient – its shape reassures and soothes your body.

Grab yours over at the official Waff website!


Invented from 3D technology and the anatomy of the human body, the Waff Mini allows for optimal work of your muscles. From rehabilitation to preventive work, it will be your best health ally. It is for everyone and BPM free without Phthalate.

The Waff Mini is a cloud of sweetness. It prevents overuse of the joints and overload of weight on one or more parts of the body. This 36 centimeter diameter ergonomic cushion promotes overall wellness!

The Waff Mini increases your physical qualities: coordination, cardio, endurance, sheathing, proprioception, muscle strengthening, balance, and posture.

The Waff Mini is used for physical preparation, rehabilitation, re-athletic training and postural correction. It is nomadic, ultra light, aesthetic and efficient – its shape reassures and soothes your body.

From the tip of the toes to the neck, all your muscles can be called upon depending on how you use it. Barefoot, eyes closed, standing, sitting or lying down, the Waff Mini develops your innate capacities and optimizes your future performance!


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