Choose Your Prehab Program
Available Through the New [P]rehab App
Achilles [P]rehab Program
Improve Achilles tendon health & protect against common injuries
Ankle Sprain [P]rehab Program
Optimize ankle health to protect against ankle sprains
Elbow, Wrist & Hand [P]rehab Program
Improve arm & hand health and protect against common injuries
Foot & Ankle [P]rehab Program
Improve foot & ankle health and protect against common injuries
Full Body [P]rehab Program
Prevent injuries throughout your full body for a fraction of the cost of in-person PT
Groin [P]rehab Program
Prehab your groin to optimize groin health
Hamstring [P]rehab Program
Prehab your hamstrings to optimize low back health
Hip [P]rehab Program
Prehab your hips to optimize hip health
Jump Basics [P]rehab Program
Master the fundamental landing position and get your body ready for jump performance.
Knee [P]rehab Program
Improve knee health & protect against common injuries
Low Back [P]rehab Program
Improve low back health & protect against common injuries
Meniscus [P]rehab Program
Improve meniscus & knee health & protect against common injuries
Neck & Mid-Back [P]rehab Program
Improve neck & mid back health and protect against common injuries
Patellofemoral [P]rehab Program
Improve kneecap health & protect against common injuries with knees over toes programming
Posture [P]rehab Program
Learn posture education & movement snacks to break up your sedentary lifestyle
Rotator Cuff [P]rehab Program
Improve rotator cuff health & protect against common injuries
Running [P]rehab Program
Fix running issues & optimize your running performance
Shoulder [P]rehab Program
Improve shoulder health & protect against common injuries