Bilateral Shoulder External Rotation - Band
3 Sets, 12 Reps, 30" Weight,
Push Up Plus
2 Sets, 12 Reps, 30" Weight,
High Row - Band
3 Sets, 10/12/15 Reps, 30" Weight,
Wall Slide - Lift Off, Band
3 Sets, 10/12/15 Reps, 30" Weight,


No special notes...
Pec Minor Stretch - Doorway
1\' Hold
HOW: Find a doorway and place the wedge the front part of your shoulder against the doorway. Slowly step forward and away from the wall.


FEEL: You should feel a deep stretch in the front of your shoulder only.


COMPENSATION: If you feel any numbness and tingling in the arm, give yourself a few second break. Then repeat. If you are unable to feel the stretch, switch the other variation in the video.
Standing Shoulder Cross Body Stretch - Posterior Cuff
1\'ea side Hold
HOW: Bring one arm up in front of you at shoulder height. Squeeze your shoulder blades together and then bring that arm across your chest while you use the other arm to slightly pull it more towards your chest. Hold that stretch for as long as prescribed. 


FEEL: You should feel a stretch in the back of your shoulder. 


COMPENSATION: Don’t twist your body as you pull your arm in for more of a stretch. Make sure to squeeze your shoulder blades.
Bilateral Shoulder External Rotation - Band
3 Sets
12 Reps
30" Weight
HOW: While keeping your elbows at your side, focus on spreading the arms as far as you can while holding onto a band.  Initiate this motion with the shoulder blades and allow your arms to follow. The firmer the band (Double up the band if appropriate) or the more you tighten up the band, the more challenging this exercise will become.


FEEL: Primarily the muscles on the inside of the shoulder blade with some assistance with the muscles on the back of the shoulder.


COMPENSATIONS: Keep the low back from arching.
Push Up Plus
2 Sets
12 Reps
30" Weight
HOW: Start in the tall plank position. Drive your hands into the ground and also imaging driving your elbows into the ground. This is your stable base position. Keeping the core and shoulders engaged and strong, slowly let your shoulder blades come together. Then drive your hands into the ground again and separate your shoulder blades.


FEEL: You should feel all the muscles in your shoulder working, especially in the front part of your shoulder and under your shoulder blades. You will also feel your core working.


COMPENSATION: Do not lose your serratus engagement. Keep strong through the shoulder the entire time. Also do not let the elbows bend. This is a push up plus, not a full push up.
High Row - Band
3 Sets
10/12/15 Reps
30" Weight
HOW: Get a band set-up at shoulder height. While starting with your elbows straight, elbows at shoulder height, and palms facing down, drive your elbows back by squeezing your shoulder blades together until your elbows are in line with your shoulder. Hold this position for a moment, then slowly return to starting position and repeat.


FEEL: You should feel the muscles on the outside and the back your shoulders working as well as your shoulder blade muscles. Think about squeezing a pencil between your shoulder blades as you perform this movement.


COMPENSATION: Do not shrug your shoulders, do not move your head/neck, do not lean backwards, do not flare your elbows. Try to isolate this exercise to shoulder and arm movement only.
Wall Slide - Lift Off, Band
3 Sets
10/12/15 Reps
30" Weight
HOW: Grab a band and place it behind your shoulder. Grip each bend of the band in your firsts. Next, go to a wall and start with your entire forearms against the wall. Push into the wall with the pink side of your hands as well as your elbows the entire time. Slowly work your way up the wall. At the top, lift your hands away from the wall for a few seconds. With the lift off, you should feel the muscles in your back. Think of putting your shoulder blades in your opposite back pocket. Then slide your hands back down. Repeat.


FEEL: You should really feel the muscles under your armpit working as your push into the wall. Additionally, you should feel your back muscles during the lift off.


COMPENSATION: Do not let your back arch. Keep your core engaged the entire time