4 Way Hip
2 Sets, 10 Reps,
Sidelying Clam
2 Sets, 10 Reps,
Adductor Side Plank
2 Sets, 20 secs Hold,
Bridge Hold - Hamstring Bias
2 Sets, 20 secs Hold,
Lateral Load Hold
2 Sets, 20 secs Hold,
Mini Squat - Wall Supported
2 Sets, 15 Reps,
March - In Place
2 Sets, 15 Reps,
Mountain Climber - Wide
2 Sets, 10 Reps,


For March in place, use your hand to apply resistance to your leg as you bring it up, and slowly lower the leg back down. 

These exercises should be performed every other day, in conjunction with the hip mobility. 

4 Way Hip
2 Sets
10 Reps
HOW: Start first by squeezing your entire thigh, trying to fully straighten your knee, hold this position. Then either start on your back and lift your leg up in the air; lie on the opposite side of the leg and lift your leg up in the air; lie on your stomach and lift your leg up in the air; lie on your affected side and lift your leg up in the air. The 4-way hip is done by performing all four movements! Watch the video for other tips and tricks regarding positioning.


FEEL: You should feel all the muscles in your thigh and hip working to perform this exercise.


COMPENSATION: Try to isolate movement coming from the hips, not your low back or other parts of your body. Follow along with the video for other tips and cues.
Sidelying Clam
2 Sets
10 Reps
HOW: Begin by lying on your side with your leg together. Slightly bring your knees up towards your chest. From here, rotate the top knee up while your feet stay together. Bring that knee up as far as you can until you start to open up your hips and rotate back. 


FEEL: You should feel your hip muscles working. 


COMPENSATION: Don’t lean back and open up your hips as you push against the band.
Adductor Side Plank
2 Sets
20 secs Hold
HOW: First get into a normal sideplank position with your top foot in front of your bottom foot. Engage your adductors and push your top foot hard into the ground. Then take your bottom foot off the ground so just your top leg is holding your body up in the air.


FEEL: You should feel all the muscles in your adductors working hard to maintain your position, in addition to your shoulders and core.


COMPENSATION: Keep a straight line between your shoulder, hips, and knees.
Bridge Hold - Hamstring Bias
2 Sets
20 secs Hold
HOW: Start by lying on your back with your knees slightly bent and your feet spread apart. Drive your heels into the ground lifting your hips up as high as you can go. Use your hamstrings and core to hold that position for as long as prescribed 


FEEL: You should feel your hamstrings and core muscles working. 


COMPENSATION: Don’t let your hips drop while you hold the bridge position.
Lateral Load Hold
2 Sets
20 secs Hold
HOW: Place one hand on a wall straight out from your shoulder with your elbow straight. Bend the inside knee up and push into the ground with your toes on the outside leg raising your heel up. While holding this position, you are trying to drive into the wall laterally for the prescribed amount of time. 


FEEL: You should feel your shoulder and leg muscles working.


COMPENSATION: Maintain the correct position, don’t relax your hip or foot until finished. Push laterally into the wall, not forwards.
Standing Hip Abduction - Wall Supported
2 Sets
10 Reps
HOW: Stand with a wall in front of you. Place your hands on the wall about shoulder height and slightly lean into it. Begin with your feet together. Shift your weight to one side as you kick one leg out straight to the side. Repeat on the other side for the prescribed amount of reps. 


FEEL: You should feel your hip muscles working. 


COMPENSATION: Don’t lean too far forward. Kick your leg straight to the side, not forwards or backward.
Mini Squat - Wall Supported
2 Sets
15 Reps
HOW: Stand with a wall in front of you and your feet shoulder-width apart. Place both hands on the wall for support. Slightly lean into the wall as you bend both knees and hinge forward at the hips to perform a mini squat. Only go down as far as you feel comfortable. Push into the ground and return to the starting position. 


FEEL: You should feel the muscles in your legs working. 


COMPENSATION: Don’t go too low with the squat.
March - In Place
2 Sets
15 Reps
HOW: Begin in a standing position. Shift all of your weight to one leg as you bring the other knee up towards your chest keeping your body in a straight line. Alternate bringing each knee up and down in a controlled motion. 


FEEL: You should feel your hip muscles working. 


COMPENSATION: Keep your body upright while marching.
Mountain Climber - Wide
2 Sets
10 Reps
HOW: Begin in a plank position with your hands straight down from your shoulders and your elbow straight. Your legs straight out from your hips with your toes pushing into the ground. Keep your back and hips flat. From here, bring one knee up and out to the side of your elbow and as you return it to the start position do the same for the other side alternating each leg. 


FEEL: You should feel your core and hip muscles working. 


COMPENSATION: Don’t let your hips drop or come up, keep them flat in line with your body.